~искусство the Lion kinG~
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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 фев 2006, 10:08 
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16 янв 2005, 13:46
Сообщения: 371
Откуда: Poland
Oh, it's not a Bible quote. It is a sentence I read once. It says : "Adam was given the wind, the sea, the horse and the eagle." And it is about... the circle of life accually :) And it also says, that the world is dangerous, but also created by God - so we have to learn to leave with it, learn not to run from it. We have to live in a harmony with the God and the Nature, bacause we are part of it, and even if it is all very dangerous and... strange for many people (!!).

I'm a christian too. quite strong, I guess, when I compare myself to other people. But there is a far way in front of me, to be really strong :)

"Adam dostał wiatr i morze, konia i jastrzębia."

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 фев 2006, 10:11 
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16 янв 2005, 13:46
Сообщения: 371
Откуда: Poland
Oh, and for You Sonic:

wind - wiatr
sea - morze
horse - koń
eagle - jastrząb


"Adam dostał wiatr i morze, konia i jastrzębia."

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 фев 2006, 12:05 
royal sentry
royal sentry
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03 авг 2003, 08:51
Сообщения: 1064
ФуррВид: Lion
Откуда: Apple Valley, MN, USA
ź, ż, ć, ą, ń, ł, ę... these characters I have trouble reading, I think that the ą sounds like a Danish å (somewhere between a and o) last I checked, ł sounds like an English w, and ę sounds like E in "ferry."

Still quite a newbie in the language of Polish. Like a cross between German and Russian. X_X

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 фев 2006, 12:33 
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16 янв 2005, 13:46
Сообщения: 371
Откуда: Poland
You are right with ą and ł, ę works the same as ą, but with e not a :)
ń... how to explain... have You seen a Monthy Pyton movie "Tho hollly grail"? There ane knights who shall say "ni!" this is the sound :) the "ni!" sound. But a little shorter :) that works like that: ź is a soft z, ń is a soft n, ś is a soft s and so on. Aw, and ó is English "oo" as in "food" for example. Well, I agree with You Sonic, Polish is a very difficult language... :?

"Adam dostał wiatr i morze, konia i jastrzębia."

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 фев 2006, 12:37 
royal sentry
royal sentry
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03 авг 2003, 08:51
Сообщения: 1064
ФуррВид: Lion
Откуда: Apple Valley, MN, USA
Gratuluje... Tak... Nie... that's all I'll know for now. ^^

Actually, there is a character in Spanish similar to the Polish ń, which is ñ. The NI dipthong sounds like "nyah," running N and Y (English phonetics) together as a single consonant.

This is a guess...

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 фев 2006, 12:47 
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16 янв 2005, 13:46
Сообщения: 371
Откуда: Poland
oh, it is more difficult than that... :roll: there are two sounds for that. in the word You know "nie" is a "ni" dipthong (I learned the spelling :)) and in the word I wrote "koń" is a "ń" soud. Ni is long like in "nie" and ń is much shorter. in "ni" You can hear iii in the end which is missed in "ń"... Oh... this is hard :)

"Adam dostał wiatr i morze, konia i jastrzębia."

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 фев 2006, 16:08 
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28 июн 2005, 21:35
Сообщения: 335
Откуда: Spain
Oh, yes... My loved ñ!!! ;)

And that German character... that I think it sounds like a "s"... but I don´t have in my keyboard... It´s like the Grrek "beta"... well... I think they are similar... :oops:

Tired of my old signature ^^

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СообщениеДобавлено: 01 мар 2006, 02:03 
royal advisor
royal advisor
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15 ноя 2005, 05:12
Сообщения: 1781
Откуда: USA - ID - Boise
Claiming this post as my 700th :lol:

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СообщениеДобавлено: 04 мар 2006, 21:13 
royal advisor
royal advisor
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15 ноя 2005, 05:12
Сообщения: 1781
Откуда: USA - ID - Boise

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СообщениеДобавлено: 04 мар 2006, 23:10 
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16 янв 2005, 13:46
Сообщения: 371
Откуда: Poland
Oh, I'm still in Poland ;) But it is true, there are not many of US right now... :?

"Adam dostał wiatr i morze, konia i jastrzębia."

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СообщениеДобавлено: 05 мар 2006, 03:34 
royal advisor
royal advisor
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15 ноя 2005, 05:12
Сообщения: 1781
Откуда: USA - ID - Boise
Good... I thought everybody left this world :lol:

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СообщениеДобавлено: 05 мар 2006, 12:23 
royal sentry
royal sentry
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03 авг 2003, 08:51
Сообщения: 1064
ФуррВид: Lion
Откуда: Apple Valley, MN, USA
oh, it is more difficult than that...
I heard a few audio recordings of Polish words. I'm wondering if it's a nasal n like "No" in French?
And that German character... that I think it sounds like a "s"... but I don?t have in my keyboard... It?s like the Grrek "beta"... well... I think they are similar...
Yes, it's known as the "Eszett," coming from the German "SZ" in the old spelling.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 06 мар 2006, 04:01 
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28 июн 2005, 21:35
Сообщения: 335
Откуда: Spain
Thanks for the info about the "Eszett", Sonic God
I am very busy these days and I have no time (and no ideas :mrgreen: ) for posting here.

That´s why I´ve been missing.

Tired of my old signature ^^

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СообщениеДобавлено: 06 мар 2006, 07:29 
royal advisor
royal advisor
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15 ноя 2005, 05:12
Сообщения: 1781
Откуда: USA - ID - Boise
Just a random question...

If I remember my German correctly, can't you write "eszett" as "SS" ?

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СообщениеДобавлено: 07 мар 2006, 22:48 
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17 июн 2005, 06:16
Сообщения: 95
Flying...I am anyways. That's not everyone, but I take up the 'one' in 'everyone' I suppose. Maybe next time I'll ask the flight instructor if we can take 5 so I can beef around at nala.ru :D - or just take my laptop up with me.

Gimme a few, I gotta land. :p

Congrats Borah @ 700 posts. Now if I go back and delete one of my posts, you'll be at 699. :lol:

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