Kari is right in some points.
I mean:
German is splittered into a lot of separate parts. In the history of this language, there were three "big language breaking-aparts" - 1050, 1250 I guess, and 1550 or sth.
For example, the people in the North of Germany speak the ancient German today, still. They say "Gib mer an appel" for "give me an apple."
Spoken: Gib mea anappell
And for example, we in upper Austria say: Gib ma an Opfl.
Spoken: Gib maan Opfl.
(If an Englishman can say it so - Sonic, just say the world like the letters are -O-p-f-l. Germany is, like Russian, a language with long parts in words without any a, e, i, o or u.
So there are many dialects, nearly no german-speaking human is speaking correct german. No. It's an ideal form.
Nja. If I speak Italian, for example, I feel like speaking trickly, jokely.
Funny. German is different, but...I'm native speaker, I can't say what it is without being incorrect.
Yeah, german is a very powerful language.
In German you can stretch the words as ya want, hold breaks between the words, shout words...and so on. Play with the rythm and sound of the sentences. English is more "flat".
And, finally: German is much more spoken "as the word is" than French or English.
Francoise is spoken Frosoa.
English is spoken Inglisch.
Deutsch is spoken Deutsch.

Kari: But german is a nice language, I think ^^
But one bad thing about German:
Balladen, Dichtungen, Rhetorik, Lyrik, usw...
Bad...I never can see the distinctive difference, phew...