>>> I swear that this pics even defeats the artwork quality of all 3 Lion King movies.
That's exactly the point.. Movies

Screenshots from a movie cannot be compared with a single artworks.
>>> Say, a 15,000,000 pounds annual salary or something.
it would be nice

I always dreamed to be an animator, or anything to use my creative itches
>>>I hope that she does not take these compliments lightly, as it seems to be she gets compliments like these frequently. I mean every word I say. Very few artists have captures such tremendous detail.

(blushing) I appreciate your attentoin.. But in fact, i do not like it, the attention to my person. I am a free cat, "walking on it's own", and i hate to be "in a spot light" in any ways -- this is a burden depriving freedom.. Please, enjoy my art of you like it, but do not expect that i shall be obliged by something.
>>>Heh, I imagine that out there, somewhere, a fan club is being made for this single woman.
I hope i shall never see it

This forum is not "a fan club of Sarafina", this is just an alternative Lion kinG forum, with artistry bent. And i am not a woman

i am a lioness

Which is a bit different thing.
>>>She lives practicaly in the middle of nowhere, somewhere deep in Siberia, in the forests of crispy frost, full of white-white snow and wild bears running their vodka business
Basil's right, this is the way i live!

And how can we forget the bears?

They are everywhere!!(Brother Bear forever!!)

And we, Siberians, wearing padded jackets, caps with earlaps and valenki even in the summer

...There is a small town Irkutsk (
www.irkutsk.com) in the middle of russia.. God-forsaken place

Nature is poor here but the woods are covering large areas.. Also here is the famous lake Baikal nearby (