Is Sarafina's talent... dare I say... unlimited?

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Модератор: The Sonic God

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The Sonic God
royal sentry
royal sentry
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Зарегистрирован: 03 авг 2003, 08:51
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Is Sarafina's talent... dare I say... unlimited?

Сообщение The Sonic God »

Before you dispute, look at this pic: ... review.jpg

I have never in my life seen such supreme quality. This has got to be the finest artwork that relates to The Lion King EVER. No artists has ever come close to this quality. I swear that this pics even defeats the artwork quality of all 3 Lion King movies.

Sarafina, if I were making a new Lion King, you'd definitely be hired. Say, a 15,000,000 pounds annual salary or something.

Just look at this quality! If you haven't seen her work, you're missing out, big time.

Sarafina just hit high on my favourites list. Well done, Saffy! :D
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Basil Lion
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Зарегистрирован: 28 июл 2003, 00:04
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Сообщение Basil Lion »

Dare I aswer for her. There is a certain amount of creativity manna to cast on artwork spells =^.^= Then some time need to be spared to recover it. But yeah, since her first-seen-artwork she advanced a bit =^.^=
Аватара пользователя
The Sonic God
royal sentry
royal sentry
Сообщения: 1064
Зарегистрирован: 03 авг 2003, 08:51
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Сообщение The Sonic God »

I hope that she does not take these compliments lightly, as it seems to be she gets compliments like these frequently. I mean every word I say. Very few artists have captures such tremendous detail.

Talent, skill, and years of practise all boils down to this near-perfect result. Makes me want to do an investigation, really. There must be an extremely high cost to maintaining such skill. Who are her parents? Did she attend a University for art? Where in Russia does she live?

Heh, I imagine that out there, somewhere, a fan club is being made for this single woman.
Аватара пользователя
Basil Lion
Сообщения: 460
Зарегистрирован: 28 июл 2003, 00:04
FurSpecies: lion
Откуда: Киев, Украина
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Сообщение Basil Lion »

She lives practicaly in the middle of nowhere, somewhere deep in Siberia, in the forests of crispy frost, full of white-white snow and wild bears running their vodka business X) Joking of course... it would even be funny, if not so close to reality. The rest she'll tell herself.
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Сообщение ForumAdmin »

>>> I swear that this pics even defeats the artwork quality of all 3 Lion King movies.

That's exactly the point.. Movies :) Screenshots from a movie cannot be compared with a single artworks.

>>> Say, a 15,000,000 pounds annual salary or something.

it would be nice :cool: I always dreamed to be an animator, or anything to use my creative itches :D

>>>I hope that she does not take these compliments lightly, as it seems to be she gets compliments like these frequently. I mean every word I say. Very few artists have captures such tremendous detail.

awww.. :oops:(blushing) I appreciate your attentoin.. But in fact, i do not like it, the attention to my person. I am a free cat, "walking on it's own", and i hate to be "in a spot light" in any ways -- this is a burden depriving freedom.. Please, enjoy my art of you like it, but do not expect that i shall be obliged by something.

>>>Heh, I imagine that out there, somewhere, a fan club is being made for this single woman.

I hope i shall never see it Х) Х) This forum is not "a fan club of Sarafina", this is just an alternative Lion kinG forum, with artistry bent. And i am not a woman :p i am a lioness ;) Which is a bit different thing.

>>>She lives practicaly in the middle of nowhere, somewhere deep in Siberia, in the forests of crispy frost, full of white-white snow and wild bears running their vodka business Х)

Basil's right, this is the way i live! :lol: :omgfun And how can we forget the bears? :D They are everywhere!!(Brother Bear forever!!) :D And we, Siberians, wearing padded jackets, caps with earlaps and valenki even in the summer :D:D

...There is a small town Irkutsk ( in the middle of russia.. God-forsaken place :roll: Nature is poor here but the woods are covering large areas.. Also here is the famous lake Baikal nearby (
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Сообщение Kovur »

valenki forever... :D
You must take your place in the circle of life.
Аватара пользователя
Basil Lion
Сообщения: 460
Зарегистрирован: 28 июл 2003, 00:04
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Откуда: Киев, Украина
Контактная информация:

Сообщение Basil Lion »

Well... I like valenki myself.
And would recommend it to anyone. :D
Great for your health, cool for your style, improves mobility in sports... :mrgreen:
YEAH BABY! :vaau
royal advisor
royal advisor
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Сообщение Shadowfox »

Somebody tell me what does "valenki" mean?
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Сообщение Kivuli »

This is the photo of "valenki" :D
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The Dishwasher
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Сообщение The Dishwasher »

Apart from these ones have galoshes on them! It's just a really warm, cool, winter boot. Waaaay better than Uggs or ski-boots. Valenkis forever!
Coffee is good... :coffee
royal advisor
royal advisor
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Зарегистрирован: 18 сен 2004, 01:34

Сообщение Shadowfox »

Sorry but I cannot see the photo of valenki. My browser cannot load it! Please, give another link - I REALLY WANT TO SEE HOW VALENKI LOOK LIKE :-))
Аватара пользователя
Basil Lion
Сообщения: 460
Зарегистрирован: 28 июл 2003, 00:04
FurSpecies: lion
Откуда: Киев, Украина
Контактная информация:

Сообщение Basil Lion »

Curious as a cat =)
royal advisor
royal advisor
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Зарегистрирован: 18 сен 2004, 01:34

Сообщение Shadowfox »

Curious as 100 cats ;-)
I will become crazy if I do not see valenki!
Аватара пользователя
Basil Lion
Сообщения: 460
Зарегистрирован: 28 июл 2003, 00:04
FurSpecies: lion
Откуда: Киев, Украина
Контактная информация:

Сообщение Basil Lion »

valenki =^.^=
val200.jpg (10.27 КБ) 11580 просмотров
Image32.gif (20.19 КБ) 11579 просмотров
Аватара пользователя
The Sonic God
royal sentry
royal sentry
Сообщения: 1064
Зарегистрирован: 03 авг 2003, 08:51
FurSpecies: Lion
Откуда: Apple Valley, MN, USA
Контактная информация:

Сообщение The Sonic God »

Lioness, please, forgive me. (Woman refers to gender only.)

In any case, keep making your pictures. Your personal freedom has made it possible for you to create such emotional, moving pictures.

Every detail, every line, it all has a thousand words of emotion. Masterpiece seems like a cliche when it comes to your work.

Keep up the terrific effort. I will sit here silently and admire it. :)

(Those kitty icons are so cute!)