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Добавлено: 07 фев 2006, 21:03
oh, I get it now :P

Добавлено: 07 фев 2006, 23:06
aw, sorry, I'm very sorry. "It" - is not about the weather, but about how do people in Russia count the degrees. (The mistake is from that I translated a polish version of what I wantet to say)

Добавлено: 08 фев 2006, 07:37
To the best of my knowledge, they measure degrees in Celsius.

Добавлено: 10 фев 2006, 11:58
The Sonic God
Most Europeans measure the temperature in centigrade or celcius.

-40°C = -40°F Equal
0°C = 32°F Freezing
20°C = 68°F Room Temperature
37°C = 98.6°F Body Temperature
100°C = 212°F Boiling

Centigrade is far easier to understand and calculate once you get used to it.

Добавлено: 11 фев 2006, 21:06
Is that why he is a god? ;)

Добавлено: 12 фев 2006, 17:39
" Is that why he is a god? Wink "
Could you please make yourself clear?

Добавлено: 12 фев 2006, 19:50
no :lol:

Yes, his posts are always so smart, and I think that is why he called his self "god" - the sonic god

Добавлено: 13 фев 2006, 00:44
Oh, now I do understand what you have in mind...
It is quite provoking why does he call himself The Sonic God.
I chose Shadowfox because I felt like choosing it - it is that simple.

Добавлено: 13 фев 2006, 13:50
Commonly case of too much self-confidende :p
Shadowfox is a strange name :D

Добавлено: 14 фев 2006, 12:59
The Sonic God
apolonia писал(а):Is that why he is a god? ;)
No, that's just basic mathematical conversion. You learn that in school, hopefully. ;)

Добавлено: 17 фев 2006, 19:30
oh, I see... :) Sonic, why You named Yourself "The Sonic God", could You tell us? ...

Добавлено: 18 фев 2006, 01:37
It would be great :)

Добавлено: 19 фев 2006, 12:31
THE SPRING IS COMING TO POLAND!! There is only a little snow left and the temperature is plus, and... I still cannot go for a walk, because of my leg! Wrrr. But the spring IS coming and I'm so happy for that! :D

Добавлено: 20 фев 2006, 00:01
Snowy spring - what about that?

Добавлено: 20 фев 2006, 04:12
The Sonic God
I'm hoping that spring will arrive in Minnesota quickly... we just got hit with a cold -45°C windchill... froze my kiester off. X_X