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Добавлено: 20 июл 2007, 18:43
*looking at chopper
That's not fair! You are a swindler. :)

About Bible... Yes, it's true. But Bible was wrote for people, not for animals or any another races and cultures.

Добавлено: 20 июл 2007, 19:53
You have your technology... *pulls out random bazooka* ...and I have mine. *evil grin and chuckle before shooting the heli out of the sky* :D

I wouldn't call it lust, I mean I'm not saying I want to go to the pridelands kidnap all the lionesses I think are cute, and get hitched and have little mutant babies. I just find them more attractive than any human girl, who is my age, and available. Maybe I'm just weird.... :p

Добавлено: 20 июл 2007, 20:16
kovur, but we are people ;)

2 Monjaru what does that bazooka shoot? bananas? :omgfun

Добавлено: 20 июл 2007, 21:33
Borah: Who knows? ;) Maybe not all people are people.

Ps: Probably bazooka with coconuts.

Добавлено: 20 июл 2007, 21:39
2 Borah: Gazelle horns, actually. heh heh, lol

2 Kovur: I am human, but I am NOT a normal human. Being normal is overrated... :p :D

Добавлено: 20 июл 2007, 22:08
your welcome Monjaru!sorry it took so long to reply.

so anyways i made this fan fiction about me and my best friend in the whole world as cubs.

my best friend LOVES it. :p

Добавлено: 20 июл 2007, 23:42
Cool. Could you post the link so i can check it out? I'd love to read it. :)

Добавлено: 21 июл 2007, 10:04
The Sonic God
We cannot deny the shell that we were given... but our spirit is shaped by our beliefs.

Добавлено: 21 июл 2007, 10:53
AMEN to that :mrgreen:

Добавлено: 21 июл 2007, 21:59
Preach it Sonic! :p

Edit: BTW, is there an RPing place on this site? If not, I think there should be. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who enjoys it, so it would make a good addition. One for the Russian alphabet part and one for Rafiki's Tree. Just a suggestion.

Добавлено: 21 июл 2007, 23:21
nope.. it's been brought up before, and still nope ;)

Добавлено: 21 июл 2007, 23:44
bummer... :? Because I am really itchin' to do some RPing. I was participating in one on LM but then I got stuck on the inactive list for controversial issues, lol

I was just being dumb in the way I was presenting my beliefs, then I lost my cool and said stupid stuff to one of the mods. But I should be able to start posting again in about a week if all goes favorably. :D

Добавлено: 22 июл 2007, 00:15
I used to run a TLK RPG (in russian), but we got hacked a lot... 3 times to the point where we had to start over... and finally, our game was lost.. I mean, the place is dead now..

If you know a few people that are interested in doing some RP, I can start something :)

Добавлено: 22 июл 2007, 04:00
Here it is

Friends of the Serengeti

PS:Yes i believe in other lifeforms in the universe.
the waterhole

Jasmine:hey Asia!


Asia:hey jasmine wanna play?

Jasmine:sure Asia.

Asia:i heard of a ufo and alien storage room down in the spooky graveyard!

they head to the graveyard.

asia:im going down there first since im the FUTURE QUEEN!

JASMINE:Oh yeah?! ROAR!!!!!!!!

The two cubs tumble down a hill playfully.they smell something like burning rubber.

Asia :I know what that smell is!its the...well i cant say the name.

Jasmine:let me guess,'ALIENS'. HUH?


Jasmine:Asia what are two outcomes of an alien invasion?

asia:they fight and are defeated,and have to return again with full

forces,hundreds,maybe even thousands of years later.

Jasmine:how can anyone possibly know that information its redicolus!

(two beings come out of the spacecraft to greet them.)

Asia:they would not use our technology or fight airborne battle
they know eventually we would use nuclear weapons,and the planet will useless

Jasmine:what the heck was that?!

Asia:Those are the Grey aliens,they have the ability to control minds,make themselves and their spacecraft invisible.

Asia:we better get out of here before the paralyze us.

Добавлено: 22 июл 2007, 06:31
2 Borah: Okay, I'll try to get a few others.

2 Asia: L-O-L That's kinda weird, but it's pretty funny too. :lol: