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Добавлено: 18 авг 2006, 20:35
ok i need help with this skecth i reduced the image size though i just need
help with advanced coloring and the disney lineart. so i need some help with this sketch i created.im starting to draw better am i?
Добавлено: 25 авг 2006, 04:42
The Sonic God
For an amatuer, this is actually quite good. The only problems that I see is the head-to-body structure, the head is slightly too large for the body. Secondly, the eyes are also a bit large and too far apart. Next, try not pushing so hard on the pencil, let your hand and arm flow freely, just make smaller strokes, be gentler. The body structure could use a bit of detail, hard to tell whether the basic difference is of a cat or another type of pawed quadruped. However, you definitely know that the character is Simba, and that recognition means that you're on the right track.
Practise makes perfect.
Добавлено: 04 сен 2006, 03:47
this is a sketch of my freind as a cub.
and the one with the cub sitting down is me.sad,because ive been thourgh alot.pepole tell me im ugly
and they would cheer when im gone or sick from school.
Добавлено: 04 сен 2006, 05:35
my sketch is colored.but the attachment is too big.
Добавлено: 05 сен 2006, 07:56
please!!! preatty please!!! turn them right side up (a favor?)...
Добавлено: 06 сен 2006, 03:06
here's a photoshop with some pastel filters...
Добавлено: 10 сен 2006, 09:03
Here's one I started yesterday, and finished today
Добавлено: 11 сен 2006, 11:10
The Sonic God
If you could, make sure to not reply to yourself. This clogs the network.
Your painting is quite marvelous. The lioness one is particularly good.
Such a natural pose, too.
Добавлено: 18 сен 2006, 00:46
oh borah could you do some lineart of this please!
Добавлено: 18 сен 2006, 02:07
I only do line art with illustrator and photoshop would be a hassle... I might be getting illustrator soon..so,...
Here's one for our very respected, and much appreciated, Kivuli
Добавлено: 18 сен 2006, 05:32
The Sonic God
That's quite beautiful, but remember, we do have a specific topic for TLK-related artwork.
Добавлено: 18 сен 2006, 23:08
ok so when you have adobe ilustrated could you please draw me a picture of simba fighting with scar.please?
Добавлено: 18 сен 2006, 23:09
oh nice artwork by the way!
thats so cool borah!
Добавлено: 19 сен 2006, 00:55
How do you guys do all the painting and the shadow, the hell!?
I mean, I'm not bad at all, but shadow and colours are another world, I bet...
I have to find out how to FINISH such pictures until growing 18
Добавлено: 19 сен 2006, 01:03
Sonic, I think that's TLK related... I mean it's TLK style
That is if you were reffering to me
asiancub, I'll try... Male lions are a bit challenging for me right now, but I'll give it a shot
Mieko, it's not as hard as you think. First, all you need to do is outline the object and fill in base color. Then, take the brush tool, and click on any bursh you want. Make sure it's very dark compared to the base color. When selecting the type of brush, you'll see "master diameter" that's the size of the brush, and below that you'll see "hardness" That's how dark the stroke will be. If you put it to like 3-5 percent, it'll be very light. (photoshop)
I used to wonder how they do that too, but then, when I started exploring photoshop and trying new things, I found out it's easier than it looks