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Добавлено: 15 май 2006, 13:15
Yes, indeed!
In German you can insult someone with "Schwein" (pig), "Esel" (donkey), "Affe" (ape), and so on.
...Nanny-Goat? She-goat? Bitch?
The translator just gave me thoose expressions for "Zicke"!
Do you now understand what a Zicke is?

Never marry a Zicke, I advise you :roll:

Добавлено: 15 май 2006, 22:37
We can jump to that awesome thought just by reading the translation, thanks anyway :)

Добавлено: 17 май 2006, 04:28
The Sonic God
Mieko писал(а):Yes, indeed!
In German you can insult someone with "Schwein" (pig), "Esel" (donkey), "Affe" (ape), and so on.
...Nanny-Goat? She-goat? Bitch?
The translator just gave me thoose expressions for "Zicke"!
Do you now understand what a Zicke is?

Never marry a Zicke, I advise you :roll:
Or you could be less specific and call someone an animal.

Добавлено: 17 май 2006, 08:01
That would be baaad. Zicke is better when you want to call a Zicke bad.

Добавлено: 17 май 2006, 09:36
The Sonic God
At least it doesn't look as offensive as other German profanity (please, do not give examples, I know too much of it already.)

Добавлено: 17 май 2006, 14:44
You know german bad language?
Erm...much of them just are animal's names...donkey...pig...and so.
Some are "idiot" that are not only German.

And some are just funny, like "Sockenwärmer", "Sandsackprügler" or "Landstraßenpistenrowdy" :lol:
But such words are not really used and not commonly. Every one would have ideas of other funny "bad language words".

The really bad words are often rassistic or discriminating disabled people, imigrants or religious believers (for example [only one!]: Nigger. Nigger or Neger has been used for blacks commonly for hundreds of centuries, for example by the people in the last few centuries. And nowadays this expression is discriminating and rassistical (and, of course, forbidden), so one nowadays says "Schwarzer" (black human) or "Farbiger" (coloured one).)

Добавлено: 18 май 2006, 10:15
The Sonic God
Und mehr Zitäten auf Der Löwen der König:
(And more quotes from The Lion King.)

Scar: Idioten! Es wird einen König geben! (Idiots! There will be a king!)
Banzai: Aber du hast doch...? (But on the contrary, you have...?)
Scar: Ich werde König sein! Haltet zu mir, und Ihr werdet nie wieder hunger leiden! (I will become King. Stand by me, and you will never be hungry!)

Добавлено: 18 май 2006, 12:59
*applauding* VERY WELL! :shock: ;)

Only errors: "Zitate aus" and "hunger" has to be written big.
Wow! Shadow, that was a good part of your German knowledge :p

Добавлено: 19 май 2006, 04:52
The Sonic God
I didn't even use a book to translate that... but I've heard it so many times that I don't need to think much about it. ^^

Добавлено: 19 май 2006, 07:13

"Idiots! There will be a king!"
"Ey, but you said...?"
"I will be king! Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!"

---> Heard also this song so often that I know it.

And other songs of TLK...

Добавлено: 19 май 2006, 23:55
Yeah. it's with "GO hungry AGAIN" :)

My German knowledge is awesome.... total awe...

Добавлено: 20 май 2006, 00:58
Oh, it's enough of knowledge :lol:
What shall I say? German is my mother language... :roll:

Today I got a negative English test back...I hate this teacher...

Добавлено: 20 май 2006, 02:02
The Sonic God
This is a TLK dicussion. Mieko, if you're having problems with your English tests, feel free to PM me. I can help you to the best of my abilities.

Добавлено: 20 май 2006, 10:45
Yeah, The Sonic God can easily help you GET RID of your PROBLEM :)

Добавлено: 20 май 2006, 12:13
Mpf. I have no probs, the only prob is my teacher :mad:
I speak English well enough!

So, what to discuss about? :roll: