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Happy New Years to All!

Добавлено: 01 янв 2007, 05:07
The Sonic God
I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Please stay safe and conscientious about yourself and others around you, especially those of whom live in an area where lots of snow falls!

I was lucky to make it home tonight. It's snowing very hard and I was doing about 30mph (50kph) on the freeways. Very slippery!

Добавлено: 01 янв 2007, 05:40
I don't know who here drives yet (maybe except you :P )

Anyways, happy new year!!!

I see Saffy did some work on the logo X)))

Добавлено: 01 янв 2007, 14:54
there was calm in Moscow :))

but still it was not very good celebrating of new year for me

Happy new year to all of you!!

Добавлено: 01 янв 2007, 18:28
The weather is still not very dangerous in Germany.. you could really say: it's quite 'warm' x) but that can change overnight...

It's snowing in the USA, huh? Well somebody once told me that the weather in the USA mostly comes to Europe after about 3 weeks or so x) that means in one month your nice could, uncomfortable weather could be here -.- lol...
Happy new your to all of ya, though ^-^

Добавлено: 01 янв 2007, 21:40
Happy new year, dear Pride lands friends!!!

I hope this 2007 is coming full of great surprises and good news for all of us!!

Добавлено: 01 янв 2007, 23:07
Happy New Year, my dear friends! Изображение :)