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"King of the Beasts" - TLK scripts from 1990!

Добавлено: 19 янв 2014, 14:28
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... oh wait, wrong story! :lol:

Someone posted two original The Lion King scripts from the 1990!

Rafiki was named Kwashi back then... and he was the narrator!
Simba: Hey. I really am looking for my cousin. Have you seen her.
Baby baboon 1: Maybe Uncle Kwashi know.
Baby baboon 2: Yeah. He know everything.
Kwashi: (When Kwashi speaks we recognize his voice: he's the narrator.) What have we here?
Mufasa thinks that Rafiki is ulgy: :D
Simba: Papa, what was that ugly thing?
Mufasa: Kwashi?
Simba: No, the one that tried to eat us.
They have known each other since Mufasa's childhood:
Kwashi: "you must remember that I knew his father, Mufasa, as a cub, and knew Mufasa's father too."
Aaaand where Zazu slept?
Zazu, napping away in Mufasa's mane, is disturbed by his master's facial acrobatics.
It's funny because it's true:
Simba: Want to play "King of Beasts"?
Nala: How do we play that?
Simba: I go to sleep and you hunt me up something to eat.

Re: "King of the Beasts" - TLK scripts from 1990!

Добавлено: 19 янв 2014, 19:58
I'm sure this was already discussed somewhere in the Tree.. Oh, here's the link: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=757t&start=1545
Maybe we should cut that into a separate thread? ;)

I never made it through the older script. I can't put my finger on what's wrong with it, but I couldn't read it for long. Thanks for the quotes, they're fun!

The newer one, on the other hand, is very interesting. And it explains why some amazing but totally out-of-context illustrations in TAoTLK book come from, like this one. But I can see why it never made it into production, and I very much prefer the final version over this one.
Update: the pics being discussed here also illustrate one of these scripts.