Lion as pet?

english only forum

Модератор: The Sonic God

You wish to have a lion living in:

Your home (no freedom, yours)
Huge area, reserve (freedom, yours)
You do not wish to have a lion. (freedom, not yours)
Всего голосов: 21

royal advisor
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Зарегистрирован: 18 сен 2004, 01:34

Lion as pet?

Сообщение Shadowfox »

Does anybody know about someone who has a pet lion or tiger?
Here (in Bulgaria) there are a few people who can afford and want that.
I am just curious if there are other people who have lions as pets?

P.S. That is one strange topic - do not mind that. I like it.
Последний раз редактировалось Shadowfox 09 янв 2005, 14:54, всего редактировалось 2 раза.
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Зарегистрирован: 29 июл 2003, 15:34
Откуда: Moscow
Контактная информация:

Сообщение Dimoniusis »

In russia many peoples live in flats. This area is too small for peoples.... for big animals like lions and tigers too.

I collect plush lions and tigers and for them and for me place is enough ;)
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royal advisor
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Зарегистрирован: 18 сен 2004, 01:34

Сообщение Shadowfox »

Strange... I thought Russia was the biggest country in the World... :!: :?:
... with lots and lots and lots of free space for lions :P
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Контактная информация:

Сообщение ForumAdmin »

ahh... an old and hot topic Х)
I guess everybody here thinked about it once.

Dimonius is right, 90% of russian people are live in big grey boxes called "hruschevka" %))) There isn't enough room even for a dog :roll:

Big cats are rare even in ZOOs, and they do not sell them ;) Veterinary services for big predators are not advanced or even doesn't present at all in most towns. As you may know, big cats need special vitamins and ijections, and if something will happen, there is nowhere to go and nobody to ask for help ;/

Next, most people are not rich, we cannot afford enough service and food to keep such a big predator, we cannot collect enough money to buy a kitten (700-10.000$).. and so on, countless troubles.

But i know some people, who bought. And one of them was in our community (until he was banned for terrible acting on the message board and in chat). He owns black panther cub. I do not know, how do they live now.. This man is rich indeed :) He bought the kitten for 15.000$.. pathetic price for me for example - i will never collect even a half during nearest 100 years (if i will not move to the other job of course).

As about lions or tigers. I think they are not suitable to have as pets. They are (tigers especialy) too huge to live with fragile himans. They can kill you or badly hurt just diring a play :roll: They need too much room and food and vitamins and other services. In my opinion, puma, snow leopard or cheetah will be more suitable. Leopards are not - they are not very big, but they have agressive and evil nature, they are too dangerous.
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The Dishwasher
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Откуда: От верблюда :)

Сообщение The Dishwasher »

In fact I am sure that some years ago during the 70s it was very popular to keep exotic animals as pets, and this one Russian family had a lion, which was used in making some films, etc, they were quite well known, and the lion brought them money...until one day he killed his owner...
So yeah...
Cheetahs, I agree, would be very good, I think that they tame esier than other cats.
As for tigers, well, only in Disney's Aladdin.

But wouldn't you feel bad knowing that you are keeping a wild animal who should be free?
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Зарегистрирован: 04 авг 2003, 00:53
FurSpecies: Panthera leo
Откуда: other world
Контактная информация:

Сообщение Kovur »


>But wouldn't you feel bad knowing that you are keeping a wild animal who should be free?

If you have enough space for living and walking with them, enough money for food, enough time, and truly love them... I think it's not bad idea... But who have this all? :(
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июл 2003, 23:53
FurSpecies: dragon
Контактная информация:

Сообщение ForumAdmin »

Cheetahs are good ;) But they are most difficult to buy.

>>But wouldn't you feel bad knowing that you are keeping a wild animal who should be free?

Yes, it should, but it wasn't! You buy not a wild, free animal to take off it's freedom, you buy already captive animal, and if it wasn't you, it may be a small and terrible "mobile zoo" or circus, where animals live in tiny cages not bigger than the length of the body of it's tenant :roll: Is that fate better? And next, all new cubs, which zoo(or circus) can not sell or keep are being killed. Do you think that to be killed is better than to live with loving and careful owner (i suppose everybody here will love and care of the pet ;))
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royal advisor
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Зарегистрирован: 18 сен 2004, 01:34

Сообщение Shadowfox »

You all may not believe this but a lion can be kept as a pet without hurting anyone and doing nothing but living in happiness and being a loved kitten.
Yes, you will possibly say: "You crazy?" - well, there are people who believe that if you show a wild animal who is the king - it will obey your every command. That sounds a little bit stupid even for me but do not you think that if a human can "handle" living with another human he cannot live with a wild animal ;-) And yes, it is definitely true that a lion can hurt a person even when playing a game - I have nothing to say about that.

P.S. The only problem is what lion you will come up with...
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experienced hunter
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Зарегистрирован: 06 авг 2004, 19:55
FurSpecies: Лев
Откуда: г.Лобня
Контактная информация:

Сообщение mash »

The lion a wild animal and to hold it in an apartment simply is not normal.

Also costs the big money.... And it is a pity
royal advisor
royal advisor
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Зарегистрирован: 18 сен 2004, 01:34

Сообщение Shadowfox »

I did not mean to keep a lion in a flat!
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The Sonic God
royal sentry
royal sentry
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Зарегистрирован: 03 авг 2003, 08:51
FurSpecies: Lion
Откуда: Apple Valley, MN, USA
Контактная информация:

Сообщение The Sonic God »

Owning a lion... hmm.

Just remember: you do not "own" a lion. He or she is a member of your family. And if you treat him or her otherwise, expect dire consequences. They can, and will, slaughter you.

Lions are not "pets," nor will they ever will be. I show great disrepsect to people whom use lions as some sort of tool, either for financial gain, or just to win a popularity contest. If you adopt a lion, you take on GREAT responsibility.

Be advised that such a task is not easily done. Many people whom have had these big cats have been in serious or even life-threatening situations. Sure, the cubs are cute and cuddly, but they grow to be very large, and very powerful. They are predators, after all.

I love lions because they are part of me. I have a lion soul inside me, which allows me to give these creatures of God the respect they deserve. They're beautiful, strong, and proud. And I dare you to think otherwise.

Be careful.
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Зарегистрирован: 04 авг 2003, 00:53
FurSpecies: Panthera leo
Откуда: other world
Контактная информация:

Сообщение Kovur »

The Sonic God:

Good. Your opinion surprise me pleasantly.

---- ---- ---- ----
Let us take a hypothetical case to illustrate
what I mean. There comes to you some creature whom you hate,
whom by instinct and heredity you consider a deadly enemy.
You are afraid of him. You understand no word that he
speaks. Finally, by means sometimes brutal he impresses upon
your mind his wishes. You may do the thing he wants, but do
you do it with a spirit of unselfish loyalty? You do not--
you do it under compulsion, hating the creature that forces
his will upon you. At any moment that you felt it was in
your power to do so, you would disobey him. You would even
go further--you would turn upon him and destroy him. On
the other hand, there comes to you one with whom you are
familiar; he is a friend, a protector. He understands and
speaks the language that you understand and speak. He has
fed you, he has gained your confidence by kindness and
protection, he asks you to do something for him. Do you
refuse? No, you obey willingly. It is thus that the golden
lion will obey me."(c) Tarzan and the Golden Lion
---- ---- ---- ----

I think that this is only one way to "keep the bigcat pet"... You must truly love him. :) And not any "obey" or cruelty... But request of close friend.Then all will be all right. And you both will be happy. :))

He is a member of your family - or maybe you member of his family? ;)
Especially if you feell and understand him with your lion's soul. I think it will be great and have a dream myself to live with lions... They are very close to my soul...
You must take your place in the circle of life.
royal advisor
royal advisor
Сообщения: 1811
Зарегистрирован: 18 сен 2004, 01:34

Сообщение Shadowfox »

Well, Kovur and the Sonic God, you may all be right about lions from different points of view... Talking about your soul is something you should carefully think of before talking... I accept that you think your souls are lion-like ones. I just think in a different way. Yes, the lions are beautiful, strong and proud. I can consider these as a part of my character but my soul is definitely not a lion one. Please, let your feelings not to change your soul. I have a Human Soul which is a gift. Being beautiful, strong and proud is something normal for you and me and every human on the Earth as well.....
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Зарегистрирован: 04 авг 2003, 00:53
FurSpecies: Panthera leo
Откуда: other world
Контактная информация:

Сообщение Kovur »

>I have a Human Soul

I do not like a human's part much... But it's only a small part isn't it? ;) I'm a lion inside and I proud of it. :))
But thank's for your opinion. :)
You must take your place in the circle of life.
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The Sonic God
royal sentry
royal sentry
Сообщения: 1064
Зарегистрирован: 03 авг 2003, 08:51
FurSpecies: Lion
Откуда: Apple Valley, MN, USA
Контактная информация:

Сообщение The Sonic God »

On the contrary, the lion soul I have is a gift from God. My body, however, is human. A body is merely a shell for the soul.

Sticking on-topic, please have respect for all of God's creatures.

I have an emotional and spiritual bond with the lions, and I can connect to them willingly. Such has been the case proven when Kristin and I visited the Cincinnati Zoo. I had visited two of the most majestic white lions that I had ever seen. Their stunning beauty and inexorable power was just something that made me feel for them in a way that I could not feel for any other creature. The lions and I had a "conversation," consist of body language, English language from myself, and grunts. (Yes, grunts.) They stared at me in curiosity and even in interest. Despite hundreds of people, the lions felt obligated to pay attention to me, and Kristin was just astonished. Though what I explain to you is only in words, I promise you, this was not just a random incident. This has happened to me before, time and time again. It didn't stop at the lions. Each big cat, snow leopards, lynxes, and servals... they all looked at me in a way which was expressing attention. I felt truly honoured.

Even kids in the lower section making out their mock-roars, they could not break the attention of the lions.

What finally broke the attention of the lions was streams of water jets. That angered me... and then I looked at the lions. They were underfed! Expressing my anger toward the zoo, I had threatened to call the ASPCA. Maybe it was a mistake on my part, but I cared for them that much.

All cats, great, and small, I love them all so very much. ^^