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Help with a song?

Добавлено: 27 янв 2005, 05:13
Ok, I got this song about a year ago and I have absolutely no clue what language it is or what the title of the song is, nor who the artest is. I was hoping it might be Russian. :)

If anyone can identift this song, Artest, Title, and Language would be best, PLEASE tell me. :) I'd really, really like to know.


Добавлено: 27 янв 2005, 09:20
It's not Russian.

Добавлено: 27 янв 2005, 11:22
Maybe Spanish, Italian or Brazilian.

Добавлено: 27 янв 2005, 15:57
No, I've had my Spanish friends listen to it and they all say it's not Spanish.

Hmm....wow. No one knows what a song is and people here are from all over the world....

Добавлено: 28 янв 2005, 05:19
The Sonic God
Huh... this is weird. Jamaican?

Добавлено: 28 янв 2005, 11:17
Where is "here" and how many nationalities are "there"?

Добавлено: 29 янв 2005, 03:03

I meant "here" as in http://forum.nala.ru .....

Добавлено: 29 янв 2005, 10:16
Have you acknowledged the song's origin yet?

Добавлено: 07 июн 2005, 21:39
perhaps I cannot oir the song, I could have helped you, because I am of america and I speak Spanish, if you want you request aid to see me of where it is the song :)