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some of my pics...

Добавлено: 26 мар 2005, 21:26
Borah Lion

Добавлено: 26 мар 2005, 21:28
Borah Lion
here's another one :)

Добавлено: 26 мар 2005, 21:29
Borah Lion
sleeping Nala... looks kinda like dead too... lol

Добавлено: 26 мар 2005, 22:53
Borah Lion
here's a weird one

Добавлено: 27 мар 2005, 02:56
Borah Lion
You all know this character..

Добавлено: 22 апр 2005, 22:49
Borah Lion
first 2 using a new digital sketchpad system

Добавлено: 24 апр 2005, 07:14
What program do you use to draw this? Do you draw with pencils or you only can use a computer mouse?..

Добавлено: 25 апр 2005, 01:44
Borah Lion
Salaia писал(а):What program do you use to draw this? Do you draw with pencils or you only can use a computer mouse?..
I mostly draw with mouse.. sometimes, I draw with pencil, but that's not a good option for me because I don't have a scanner.. I have to take a picture and then, outline it, and color... I'm working on one for a week now... pencil drawn...

I used alias sketchpad to draw both, paint.net to color, and paintshop pro 8 for special effects and the grass.

Добавлено: 25 апр 2005, 01:46
Borah Lion
an animated GIF (bad colors and GIF turnout)

Добавлено: 25 апр 2005, 01:46
Borah Lion
real colors

Добавлено: 25 апр 2005, 08:44
First time i see your lights i thought you used a photo :)
first 2 using a new digital sketchpad system
What do you mean?

Добавлено: 25 апр 2005, 18:29
Borah Lion
Kivuli писал(а):First time i see your lights i thought you used a photo :)
first 2 using a new digital sketchpad system
What do you mean?
I don't know.. I just woke up and well, still in dreamland... I used several programs... Xara Xone, paintshop pro 8,9, Alias sketchpad, paint.net...
