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Rafiki's Tree Forum - Regulations

Добавлено: 08 янв 2006, 11:28
The Sonic God
I've come to see that many topics within this forum have turned into non-constructive discussions. This generally is not a bad thing, but it does become somewhat of a nuisance when one reply right after another doesn't consist of anything constructive, or lacks any valuable insights or opinions.

This is a Lion-King and furry-based community, so the majority of the topics should fall into that category, though the occasional "goofing-off" topic is permitted. A sticky topic has been designated as the "off-topic" discussion.

There shouldn't be any reason for any member to increase his or her post count through frivolous or pointless means (replying to oneself, non-constructive chatting, posting games, et cetera). To the newer members here, topics which contains posts and replies consisting of little or no valuable content would make it appear that this community has no real value, and such is not true at all.

So, I kindly ask the members of this community to keep the majority of the topics here constructive, and of insightful discussion. Off-topic discussions other than the designated stick topic will be closed.

Any content that is considered "Mature" or anywhere above a "PG-13" rating will instantly be deleted without notice.


- Justin