Tell Us About Yourself
Добавлено: 19 сен 2006, 05:58
Utora писал(а):
First Name: serge
Screen Name (s): Borah, BorahLion
Birth date: June 22nd, 1989
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Ukrainian 95% / German 5%
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: black
Freckles: Nope
Moles: Nope
Scars: a Few
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: Christian (Charismatic)
Political Party: None
Country?: USA
State/Province?: Idaho
Marital Status?: Single
Sexual Preference?: Straight
Parents Divorced?: Nope
Siblings? How many?: 4
Children? How many?: 0
Best Friend (s): TLK - Kiv, Real life,... A few
Pets (names and what they are): Pauly (Cockatiel)
Job?: Currently Un-employed
Schooling?: Public High School
Car?: None
Play an Instrument?: Guitar
Glasses or Contacts?: None
Jewelry?: Nope
Tattoo?: Nope
Makeup?: Nope
Zodiac Sign: Don't know
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Don't know
Animal: Tiger, Lion, Dolphin
Country: U.S.
State/Province: I'd have to say I haven't lived better anywhere else, but Idaho
Automobile: Porsche, Lamborghini
Shoe: Nike
Number: 89
Food: Italian Salad
Fast Food Place and Food there: None (None)
Musical Instrument: GUITAR
Drink (not just alcoholic): Water
Season: Spring (Ah, them alergies )
Actor: -
Music Genre: Anything as long as it's Christian
Singer: Michael W. Smith
Band: Kutless
Movie Genre: Action, Advanture, (some) horror
Movie: Narnia
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Aslan
Villain in Movie: Jadis
Book Genre: Fiction
Author: C.S. Lewis
Board Game: Chess (love it and hate it at the same time)
Game Console: PS2
Computer/Console Game: -
Sport: -
Activity (Besides Sports): Playing Guitar
Website: w
Subject in School: History
Store: Costco
Gum: -
Candy: -
Email or IM: Email
Phone or in person: In Person
TV or Radio or Internet: Radio (Internet)
Flavor: -
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Day or Night: Day
IM Service: YIM, AIM
-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-
Drugs: No
Alcohol: No
Cigarettes/Cigars: No
Chew: No
Cuss/Swear: Yes (used to cuss.. mild swearing can still be heard, but I try to avoid )
Lie: Yes...don't we all?
Stole: Yes
Attempted Suicide: No
Attempted Murder: No
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Left wrist (fractured)
Got in a fight, did you win: Yes and Yes
Been shot: No
Want to go to college: Yes
Had an imaginary friend: No
Wanted to be the opposite sex: No
Had Déjà Vu: ???
Gone skinny dipping?: ---
Walk around nude?: No
-Love Life-
Is Love real?: Yes
Ever fallen in love?: No
If so, at what age?: ....
How many times?: ....
Ever been dumped?: No
How many times?: ....
Ever made out?: No
Ever had Sex?: No
Looks or Personality?: Personality
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I am what you make of me
Believe in love at first sight?: No and Yes
Do you want to get married?: Yes
Define marriage and what it means to you: Joining of two souls into one by God
Do you want/have kids?: Yes
Boys name: ...
Girls name: ...
-The most-
Stupidest thing you’ve done: Torture a cat
Greatest thing you’ve done: Not there yet
Funniest thing you’ve done:
Person/Place/Thing you hate: Nobody/Aufghanistan/Drugs
Person/Place/Thing you love: Everyone/Europe/My pensil and a sheet of paper
Country you hate besides your own: Aufghanistan
Country you love besides your own: England/Germany/U.S.A
Best feeling in the world: Doing a good deed
Worst feeling in the world: Haven't quite experienced, yet
-Politics & Religion-
Do you believe in God?: Yes (willing to die for him)
Do you believe in Abortion?: No
Do you believe in Cloning?: No
Do you believe in Guns?: Depends on the purpose
Do you believe in War?: Yes
Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes
Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes
Do you believe in Texas?: Yes, it's south of me
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Absolutely NOT... Sick and wrong
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: ?
Is Michael Jackson guilty?: He sleeps with lil kids
Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Bush has done a few good things in his presidency, Kerry would destroy us all by now
Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes
Do you believe in Hell?: Yes, but I ain't going there
Hobbies: Music, drawing, and more music.
Collections: A little bit of this and that, but no real collection
Goals: To be an example onto the world
Dreams: Get my own band together
Fears: Sin and dying in sin
Weaknesses: Temper
Example: today, I noticed my right speaker on my headphones wasn't working so I thew them on the floor and they broke apart... 20 dollars right there... Ironic thing is, after I did the damage, the right speaker started working again
Most common emotion: Nice and friendly
What’s your favorite Memory: 3 day travel across America (I wouldn't do it again... even with a gun point to my head :P)
Countries you’ve been to: USA, Europe
States/Provinces you’ve been to: Almsot all of 'em lol
What pet would you like: A tiger
Any additional information: Need encouragement, talk to me
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Sometimes
You are born on February 27th, 1989, so your chinese Zodiac is:apolonia писал(а): Chinese Zodiac Sign: I don’t know…